Since 2010, mobile browsing has grown by over 400%.

Although the statistics vary by region and industry, we have seen some of our clients get as much as 70% of their website traffic from mobile devices. We all know mobile accessibility is important, but what’s the best way to go about it?


Here are some options that will help you get the ideas flowing:

  1. Responsive: A responsive website is built to re-align to fit different devices. The advantage is full website accessibility from anywhere.
  2. Mobile: A mobile website is a second version of a website built to accommodate smart phones. The advantage of this format is that the content, structure and navigation are built specifically for mobile users.
  3. Hybrid Approach: This type of website uses a mobile template to serve the same content as the main site in a mobile format.


We have implemented all three options over the last three years. Although each has unique advantages, we have been implementing responsive and hybrid websites on a more consistent basis. A book we recently read posited that many users prefer to browse the internet on their phones or tablets in their downtime. This book also reasoned that if a user had previously seen a website on a desktop, they would expect to have the same level of accessibility on a smartphone. Google recently published an article stating that they will start to prioritize mobile and responsive websites in their ranking algorithm. So whether it's mobile or responsive, it is important to keep up with this trend.


Contact us today to learn more about Web3’s website design capacity.

Anton Vasiliv
201 3204 Parsons Rd NW
Edmonton, AB, T6N 1M2 CAD